About Us
We are an interdisciplinary team that collaborates across the Danish-German border bringing in our expertise to develop a toolbox to monitor the transformation and degradation of micro- and nanoplastics in the environment.
Every year, thousands of tonnes of plastics are released in the Danish-German border region. No one knows where it ends up or how dangerous it is for the environment or humans. The PlastTrack project will investigate this and develop tools to combat plastic pollution.
With PlastTrack, we aim to prevent further uncontrolled releases of micro- and nanoplastics by providing tools that track the path of plastic waste and support the development of environmental product declarations. We will develop the technological platform, automate the detection and digitise the analysis of micro- and nanoplastics.
There are major gaps in our knowledge about where the plastic in the oceans comes from, how it degrades and where it ultimately ends up.

Our partners

Takes the overall lead and steers the development of:
- Mapping of stakeholders needs and considerations
- Definition of reference materials
- Controlled aging in lab conditions
- Develop a multimodal chemical imaging platform
- Propose life cycle assessment protocols to support local stakeholders and initiatives related to an environmentally conscious and green transformationÂ

- Controlled ageing and release of materials from industrial settings
- Propose a standard operation procedure for micro- and nanoparticles sampling in water/fluid matrice

- Analyse micro- and nanoparticles interactions with environmental entities and transport in aquatic environments (from surface water to sedimentary sinks)
- Determine environmental release and transport
- Calibration and validation of the regional environmental models developed for particles’ behaviour, release and transport

- Develop a multimodal toolbox
- Develop a data comparison and validation platform

- Recognise and establish reference materials to support the imaging toolbox development and calibration

- Establish a network between industrial end-users and scientifically oriented partners to conduct and select case studies and exchange knowledge
- Analyse the main sources of micro- and nanoparticle release at different life cycle stages.
Our network partners